Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. Psalm 57.5, 62:5

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

It finally looks like spring

It looks as though spring may have finally arrived, although we have had that teaser before now a few times.   It was a brutal winter; snow came in October and never left, giving us continual snowfalls right up until last week.   And we will get more, but at least it will not stay.    This is what our front steps looked like after the blizzard in December.    Leon had to go out the back door and around as we could not open the front door.   And the other one was taken in January or February during another storm.  That is an outdoor lighted Christmas tree you can see on the left. 

I finally got in to see an ortho doctor and will be going in to hospital tomorrow morning to have a total knee replacement.   I figured now was as good a time as any to update my blog, since I will not be on the computer a lot for a while afterwards, as least that is my understanding.  :)  

I have been stitching and knitting and have finished three projects this year.  First was The Dreaming, a Dinky Dyes chart, stitched with DD silks.  I bought this chart at CATS in Vegas in 2006 and just now got around to stitching it.  :)  

A Stitch in Time took just a couple of weeks to stitch. 
Home of a Needleworker.   I finished this one just the other day.  
The Work of Christmas.  A My Big Toe design.  This is the last one I finished in 2013. 
This scarf is now finished and I am nearly finished another.   I also started knitting dishcloths and have finished three or four so far.